
Blair Nikula, a native Cape Codder and life-long birder, has been observing, studying, and enjoying Cape Cod birds for over half a century. He is a former regional editor for American Birds (now North American Birds), a past-president of the Cape Cod Bird Club, a former associate member of the Massachusetts Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program Advisory Committee, and periodically serves as a member of the Mass Avian Records Committee. He has been working — seemingly forever — on revising a publication on the status and distribution of Cape Cod birds.

Blair also has been studying and photographing dragonflies and damselflies for over two decades. He co-authored the Stokes’ Beginner’s Guide to Dragonflies and Damselflies as well as A Field Guide to the Dragonflies and Damselflies of Massachusetts. He maintains a web site on odonata (odenews.org) and he formerly co-edited Ode News, a newsletter about the odonates of southern New England.

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