Abbot, J. M. 1946. The White-faced Storm Petrel off Cape Cod. Auk 63:251.
Allen, F. H. 1914. Another Massachusetts record for the Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura septentrionalis). Auk 31:536.
Allen, F. H. 1929. Forster’s Tern in Massachusetts. Auk 46:100-101.
Allen, F. H. 1932. Another Massachusetts record for the Marbled Godwit. Auk 49:83.
Allen, G. M. 1908. Rare New England birds. Auk 25:233-235.
Allen, J. A. 1878. The Glossy Ibis in Massachusetts. Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club 3:152.
Allen, J. A. 1885a. A Hawk Owl (Surnia ulula caparoch) at Chatham, Mass. Auk 2:383.
Allen, J. A. 1885b. A Crested Auk on the Massachusetts coast. Auk 2:388.
Alexander, G. 1923. Summer birds of Cape Cod compared with those of Missouri. Wilson Bulletin 35:72-79.
Anonymous. 1951. Whimbrel sighted in Massachusetts. Bulletin of the Massachusetts Audubon Society 35:392-393.
Anonymous. 1959. Austin Station saved. Bird-Banding 30:66.
Arvidson, D. R. 1991a. Wild barnacles in quiet Osterville. Bird Observer of Eastern Massachusetts 19:25-26.
Arvidson, D. R. 1991b. Another wild goose chase: addendum to the Osterville barnacles. Bird Observer of Eastern Massachusetts 19:147.
Austin, O. L. 1929. Contributions to the knowledge of the Cape Cod Sterninae. Bulletin of the Northeastern Bird-Banding Association 5(4):123-140.
Austin, O. L. 1932a. Duration of life of the Roseate Tern. Bird-Banding 3:34.
Austin, O. L. 1932b. The Austin Ornithological Research Station.. Bird-Banding 3:51-62.
Austin, O. L. 1932c. Further contributions to the knowledge of the Cape Cod Sterninae. Bird-Banding 3:123-139.
Austin, O. L. 1932d. The status of Cape Cod terns in 1932. Bird-Banding 3:143-156.
Austin, O. L. 1933. The status of Cape Cod terns in 1933. Bird-Banding 4:190-198.
Austin, O. L. 1934. The status of Cape Cod terns in 1934. Bird-Banding 5:155-171.
Austin, O. L. 1937. Yellow Warbler return. Bird-Banding 8:176.
Austin, O. L. 1938. Some results from adult tern trapping in the Cape Cod colonies. Bird-Banding 9:12-25.
Austin, O. L. 1944. The status of Tern Island and the Cape Cod terns in 1943. Bird-Banding 15:133-139.
Austin, O. L. 1946. The status of the Cape Cod terns in 1944: A behavior study. Bird-Banding 17:10-27.
Austin, O. L. 1947. A Study of the Mating of the Common Tern (Sterna h. hirundo). Bird-Banding 18:1-16.
Austin, O. L. 1948. The status of the Cape Cod terns in 1947. Bulletin of the Massachusetts Audubon Society 32:137-138
Austin, O. L. 1951. Age record for the Arctic Tern. Bird-Banding 22:179.
Austin, O. L., Jr. 1929. Wilson’s Plover on Cape Cod. Auk 46:538.
Austin, O. L., Jr. 1930. Blue Grosbeak on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Auk 47:257-258.
Austin, O. L., Jr. 1931. Clay-colored Sparrow on Cape Cod. Auk 48:126.
Austin, O. L., Jr. 1932. Tree Sparrow movements on Cape Cod. Bird-Banding 3:81-85.
Austin, O. L., Jr. 1940. Some aspects of individual distribution in the Cape Cod tern colonies. Bird-Banding 11(4):155-169.
Austin, O. L., Jr. 1951. The Mourning Dove on Cape Cod. Bird-Banding 22:149-174.
Austin. 1956. Some Demographic Aspects of the Cape Cod Population of Common Terns (Sterna Hirundo). Bird-Banding27:56-66.
Austin, O. L., Jr. & S. H. Low. 1932. Notes on the breeding of the Tree Swallow. Bird-Banding 3:39-44.
Bagg, A. C., and S. A. Eliot, Jr. 1937. Birds of the Connecticut Valley in Massachusetts. Northampton: The Hampshire Bookshop. 813 pp.
Bagg, A. M. 1955. Airborne from gulf to gulf. The Bulletin of the Massachusetts Audubon Society 39:106-110, 159-168.
Bagg, A. M. & H. M. Parker. 1951. The Turkey Vulture in New England and eastern Canada up to 1950. Auk 68:315-333.
Bailey, P. 1968. Hawk in my hair. Massachusetts Audubon Magazine 52(4): 14-17.
Bailey, W. 1955. Birds in Massachusetts. When and Where to Find Them. South Lancaster:The College Press. 234 pp.
Bailey, W. 1968a. Birds of the Cape Cod National Seashore and Adjacent Areas. South Wellfleet: Eastern National Park and Monument Association. 120 pp.
Bailey, W. 1968b. Migrating Red-shouldered Hawks over Cape Cod. Records of New England Birds 23(12):1.
Baird, S. F. 1887. Occurrence of Cory’s Shearwater (Puffinus borealis) and several species of jaegers in large numbers in the vicinity of Gayhead, Mass., during the autumn of 1886. Auk 4:71.
Baird, J., and I. C. T Nisbet. 1960. Northward fall migration on the Atlantic Coast and its relation to offshore drift. Auk 77(2):119-149.
Bent, A. C. 1920. A flight of Newfoundland crossbills. Auk 37:298.
Bird, J., and M. Payne. 1981. A Chuck-will’s-widow on Stellwagen Bank. Bird Observer of Eastern Massachusetts 9:194.
Bishop, L. B. 1906. The European Turnstone in Massachusetts. Auk 23:335.
Bostrom, L. 2003. Finding a Eurasian Kestrel on Lieutenant’s Island, South Wellfleet, MA. Bird Observer 31(2): 104-105.
Brewer, T. M. 1878a. Notes on the occurrence of Micropalma himantopus in New England. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History [Vol.??]:252-256.
Brewer, T. M. 1878b. The Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Polioptila caerulea) in Massachusetts. Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club 3:146-147.
Brewer, T. M. 1878. Interesting captures. Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club 3:151.
Brewer, T. M. 1879a. The Booby Gannet (Sula fiber) in Massachusetts. Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club 4:191.
Brewer, T. M. 1879b. The Black Skimmer in Massachusetts. Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club 4:243.
Brewster, W. 1879. The terns of the New England coast. Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club 4:13-22.
Brewster, W. 1885. The Oyster-catcher (Haematopus palliatus) in Massachusetts. Auk 2:384.
Brewster, W. 1887a. The Common Murre (Uria troille) and the Razor-billed Auk (Alca torda) on the New England coast. Auk 4:158
Brewster, W. 1887b. Capture of a Fish Crow (Corvus ossifragus) at Wareham, Massachusetts. Auk 4:162.
Brewster, W. 1889a. Occurrence of the Western Sandpiper (Ereunetes occidentalis) in numbers on the coast of Massachusetts. Auk 6:69.
Brewster, W. 1889b. Second occurrence of the Prairie Horned Lark in eastern Massachusetts. Auk 6:71-72.
Brewster, W. 1895. A remarkable flight of Pine Grosbeaks (Pinicola enucleator). Auk 12:245-256.
Brewster, W. 1901a. On the occurrence, in Massachusetts, of certain rare or interesting birds. Auk 18:135-137.
Brewster, W. 1901b. An ornithological mystery. Auk 18:321-328.
Brewster, W. 1909. Barrow’s Golden-eye in Massachusetts. Auk 26:153-164.
Brewster, W. 1909. A recent instance of the occurrence of the White Pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) in Massachusetts. Auk 26:185-186.
Brooks, W. S. 1907. The Stilt Sandpiper in Massachusetts. Auk 24:437.
Brooks, W. S. 1913. The King Eider (Somateria spectabilis) in Massachusetts. Auk 30:107-111.
Brooks, W. S. 1917. A new record for New England. Auk 34:86.
Brooks, W. S. 1924. Notes from Massachusetts and Maine. Auk 41:163-164.
Brooks, W. S. 1934. Brown Pelican in Massachusetts. Auk 51:77.
Broun, M. 1932. Some rare or unusual birds banded on Cape Cod. Bird-Banding 3:176-177.
Broun, M. 1934a. Shorebird-banding on Cape Cod. Bird-Banding 5:36-38.
Broun, M. 1934b. A Semipalmated Sandpiper recovery. Bird-Banding 5:47.
Broun, M. 1934c. Migratory movements of eastern Fox Sparrows on Cape Cod, in relation to the weather. Bird-Banding 5:85-88.
Brown, C. E. 1913. Fulmar in Massachusetts. Auk 30:105.
Brown, F. A. 1907. A Florida Gallinule on the coast of Massachusetts. Auk 24:97.
Bryant, L. Jr. 1931. Some notes on the breeding of the Vesper Sparrow. Bird-Banding 2:178-184.
Cahoon, J. C. 1887. A rare gull. Ornithologist and Oologist 12:206.
Cahoon, J. C. 1890. Seaside Sparrows at Monomoy Island, Cape Cod. Auk 7:289-290.
Cape Cod Bird Club & Massachusetts Audubon Society. 2005. Birding Cape Cod. On Cape Publications, Dennis, MA. 184 pp.
Cape Cod Bird Club & Massachusetts Audubon Society. 2005. Birding Cape Cod: Wellfleet and Truro. Bird Observer 33(4): 205-212.
Chadbourne, A. P. 1889. An unusual flight of Killdeer Plover (Aegialitis vocifera) along the New England coast. Auk 6:255-263.
Clench, M. H. & J. W. Hardy. 1989. In memoriam: Oliver L. Austin, Jr. Auk 106:706-709.
Cobb, S. 1911. Egrets (Herodias egretta) in Massachusetts. Auk 28:482.
Collins, J. W. 1884. Notes on certain Laridae and Procellariidae of the New England coast. Auk 1:236-238.
Coolidge. 1951. Bulletin of the Massachusetts Audubon Society 35:392.
Cory, C.B. 1881. Description of a new species of the family Procellariidae. Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club 6:84.
Cory, C.B. 1884. Bernicla brenta nigricans in Massachusetts. Auk 1:96.
Cory, C.B. 1891. Another Massachusetts record for the Mockingbird. Auk 8:395.
Cottam, C. 1935. Blue and Snow Geese in easthern United States in the winter of 1934-1935 – with notes on their food habits. Auk 52:432-441.
Cottrell, G. W. 1949. The southern heron flight of 1948. Bulletin of the Massachusetts Audubon Society 33:101-104 and 155-160.
Cottrell, G. W. 1953. Fulmar vagrants in eastern North America. Bulletin of the Massachusetts Audubon Society 37:141-144
Courchesne, S., and J. C. Ellis. 2008. Common Eider Die-offs on Cape Cod: An Ongoing Investigation. Bird Observer 36(6): 346-349.
Deane, R. 1879. Additional captures of the Curlew Sandpiper in New England. Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club 4:124.
Deane, R. 1906. Another large flight of Snowy Owls. Auk 23:100.
Deane, R.[& Brewer??] 1879. The Black Skimmer (Rhynchops nigra) in New England. Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club 4:242-243.
Devillers, P. 1977. The skuas of the North American Pacific Coast. Auk 94:417-429.
Devine, A. & D. G. Smith. 2007. Boreal Owl Records in Southern New England. Bird Observer 35(3): 169-173.
Dill.[??] 1886. [Barnacle Goose collected in N. Chatham] Ornithologist and Oologist 11:16.
Drury, W. H., Jr. 1973. Population changes in New England seabirds. Bird-Banding 44:267-313.
Drury, W. H., Jr. 1974. Population changes in New England seabirds. Bird-Banding 45:1-15.
Drury, W. H., Jr., and J. A. Keith. 1962. Radar studies of songbird migration in coastal New England. Ibis, 104(4): 449-498.
Drury, W. H., Jr., I. C. T. Nisbet, and R. E. Richardson. 1961. The Migration of “Angels.” Natural History 70(8):10-17.
Drury, W. H., Jr., and I. C. T. Nisbet. 1964. Radar studies of orientation of songbird migrants in southeastern New England. Bird-Banding 35(2):69-119.
Earle, O. 1969. Birding in Orleans. Massachusetts Audubon Magazine 51(1): 2-8.
Eldredge, E. R. 1930. Turkey Vulture at Chatham, Mass. Auk 47:250.
Eliot, S. A. & A. C. Bagg. 1932. Notes from the Massachusetts coast. Auk 49:492.
Ellis, S. 2006. Shorebirds of the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. Bird Observer 34(4): 245-247.
Erskine, A. J. 1990. Half a million eiders off Cape Cod: compounded errors or changed populations? Auk 107:208.
Everett, R. S. & P. Bailey. 2006. Birds of Cape Cod and the Islands. Schiffer Publishing, Atglen, PA. 224 pp.
Farley, J. A. 1901. The Purple Gallinule in Massachusetts in the breeding season. Auk 18:190.
Farley, J. A. 1905. Rallus elegans and Ionornis martinica in Massachusetts. Auk, 22:409.
Farley, J. A. 1919. The Blue-gray Gnatcatcher on Cape Cod. Auk 36:584.
Fay, S. P. 1910a. Massachusetts notes. Auk, 27:219-220.
Fay, S. P. 1910b. Black Brant (Branta nigricans) in Massachusetts. Auk 27:336-337.
Fay, S. P. 1910c. Knot (Tringa canutus) wintering in Massachusetts. Auk 27:339-340.
Fay, S. P. 1910d. The Canvas-back in Massachusetts. Auk 27:369-381.
Fay, S. P. 1911. Hudsonian Godwit (Limosa haemastica) in Massachusetts. Auk 28:257-258.
Fay, S. P. 1912. Yellow Rail (Coturnicops noveboracensis) in Massachusetts. Auk 29:237.
Finnegan, S. 2007. A Feisty Unexpected Visitor. Bird Observer 35(5): 285-287.
Floyd, C. B. 1925. Six days in a Massachusetts tern colony. Bulletin of the Northeastern Bird-Banding Association 1(4):58-60.
Floyd, C. B. 1926a. The fourth banding expedition to the Sandy Neck Black-crowned Night Heron colony. Bulletin of the Northeastern Bird-Banding Association 2(1):3-6.
Floyd, C. B. 1926b. Additional experiences in banding terns at Tern Island, Chatham, Mass. Bulletin of the Northeastern Bird-Banding Association 2(4):68-72.
Floyd, C. B. 1927a. Notes on the development of young Common and Roseate Terns. Bulletin of the Northeastern Bird-Banding Association 3(4):95-101.
Floyd, C. B. 1927b. Recent Common Tern recoveries. Bulletin of the Northeastern Bird-Banding Association 3(4):108.
Floyd, C. B. 1928. Notes on banding terns at Chatham, Massachusetts, for 1928. Bulletin of the Northeastern Bird-Banding Association 4(4):125-132.
Floyd, C. B. 1929a. Recoveries of Common Terns banded at Chatham, Massachusetts. Bulletin of the Northeastern Bird-Banding Association 5(2):43-46.
Floyd, C. B. 1929b. Notes on banding terns at Chatham, Massachusetts, for 1929. Bulletin of the Northeastern Bird-Banding Association 5(4):144-148.
Floyd, C. B. 1930. Further banding notes from Tern Island, Massachusetts. Bird-Banding 1:181-184.
Floyd, C. B. 1932. Report of tern-banding on Cape Cod during 1931. Bird-Banding 3:63-65.
Forster, R. 1980. The identification and occurrence of “Portlandica” type Arctic Terns in Massachusetts. Bird Observer of Eastern Massachusetts 8:91-93.
Freeman. 1794. Collection of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 3:1st series, 199.
Godfrey, W. E. 1945. Sitka Crossbills in Massachusetts. Auk 62:151.
Gordon, R. J. 1953. Cape Campout lists Baird’s Sparrow. Bulletin of the Massachusetts Audubon Society 37:358-360.
Goss, N. S. 1884. Capture of Megalestris skua off the coast of Cape Cod, Mass. Auk 1:395-396.
Griscom, L. 1937. European Dunlins in North America. Auk 54:70-72.
Griscom, L. 1937. Royal Tern in Massachusetts. Auk 54:206.
Griscom, L. 1937. Black Skimmers in New England. Auk 54:206-207.
Griscom, L. 1937. Yellow-headed Blackbird at Monomoy, Massachusetts. Auk 54:211.
Griscom, L. 1939. The Ring-necked Duck as a transient in the northeastern states. Auk 56:134-137.
Griscom, L. 1939. Migration of the Red Phalarope off Massachusetts. Auk 56:185.
Griscom, L. 1939. Gull-billed Tern in Massachusetts. Auk 56:186.
Griscom, L. 1939. Long-billed Curlew in Massachusetts. Auk 56:332-333.
Griscom, L. 1941. Curlew Sandpiper in New England. Auk 58:95.
Griscom, L. 1941. Two Yellow Warblers new to Massachusetts. Auk 58:100.
Griscom, L. 1955. The Yellow-billed Cuckoo flight of 1954. The Bulletin of the Massachusetts Audubon Society 39:151-156.
Griscom, L., and D. E. Snyder. 1955. The Birds of Massachusetts. An Annotated and Revised Check List. Salem: Peabody Museum. 295 pp.
Gross, A. 0.1923. The Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax naevius) of Sandy Neck. Auk 40:1-30 and 191-214.
Gross, A. O.1927. The Snowy Owl migration of 1926-27. Auk 44:479-493.
Gross, A. O. 1927. The Snowy Owl migration of 1926-27. Auk 44:479-493.
Gross, A. O. 1931. Snowy Owl migration – 1930-1931. Auk 48:501-511.
Hagar, J. A. 1936. Rare shore-birds on the Massachusetts coast. Auk 53:330-331.
Hagar, J. A. 1937. Winter shorebird notes from Massachusetts. Auk 54:388-389.
Hagar, J. A. 1946. Black Duck bandings at the Austin Ornithological Research Station on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Bird-Banding 17:97-124.
Hagar, J. A. 1947. Black Duck bandings at the Austin Ornithological Research Station (conclusion). Bird-Banding 18:17-26.
Hersey, F. S. 1913. Sabine’s Gull in Massachusetts. Auk 30:105.
Heusmann, H. W., T. J. Early, & B. J. Nikula. 2000. Evidence of an increasing Hooded Merganser population in Massachusetts. Wilson Bulletin. 112(3):413-415.
Higgins, A. W. 1915. Bird census at Sandwich. Cape Cod Magazine 1(7):17-19.
Higgins, A. W. 1916. Winter birds. Cape Cod Magazine 1(10):25-27.
Hill, E. W. 1975. Bird Friends of Scorton; Nature Notes on Cape Cod. Kendall Printing, Falmouth, MA.
Hill, N. P. 1945. The 1944 hurricane in New England. Auk 62:410-413.
Hill, N. P. 1965. The Birds of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. William Morrow and Company, New York, NY. 364 pp.
Hill, N. P. 1976. Sharp-tailed Sparrows in Massachusetts. Bird Observer of Eastern Massachusetts 4:42-43.
Hines, H. 1966. Monomoy weekend. Massachusetts Audubon Magazine 51(1): 2-6.
Hoffman, R. 1895. Notes on the winter birds of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Auk 12:188-189.
Holt, D. 1986. A summary of Short-eared Owl breeding status in Massachusetts. Bird Observer of Eastern Massachusetts 14:234-237.
Holt, D. W., J. P. Lortie, B. J. Nikula, and R. C. Humphrey. 1986. First record of Common Black-headed Gulls breeding in the United States. American Birds 40:204–206.
Howe, R. H., Jr. 1898. The Sea-side Sparrow on Cape Cod in winter, and other notes. Auk 15:189.
Howe, R. H., Jr. 1910. Another King Rail in Massachusetts. Auk 27:339.
Howe, R. H., Jr. 1920. Egret at South Orleans, Mass. Auk 37:579.
Isleib, P. M. 1955. Rare bird appears on Cape Cod. Bulletin of the Massachusetts Audubon Society 39:398.
Job, H. K. 1896. The ducks of Plymouth County, Massachusetts. Auk 13:197-204.
Jones, A., et al. 2003. Buzzards Bay Oil Spill: Impacts to Shorebirds. Bird Observer 31(4): 225-228.
Jones, A. & E. Jedrey. 2005. Mass Audubon’s Coastal Waterbird Program, 2005. Bird Observer 33(5): 306-309.
Jones, L. C. 1936. Snowy Egret in Massachusetts. Auk 53:438-439.
Jump, Mrs. E. R. 1911. Baird’s Sandpiper in Massachusetts. Auk 28:110.
Junda, James. 2014. Monomoy Refuge Banding Station Fall Migration Monitoring – 2013 Report. Unpublished report.
Keleher, M. 2006. Winter Birding Hot Spots in Mashpee and Barnstable, Cape Cod. Bird Observer 34(6): 349-353.
Keleher, M. 2007. First Confirmed Barred Owl and Acadian Flycatcher Nestings on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Bird Observer 35(5): 280-284.
Kennard, F. H. 1913. Arkansas Kingbird in Massachusetts. Auk 30:112-113.
Kress, S. W, E. H. Weinstein, and I. C. T. Nisbet. 1983. The status of tern populations in northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. Colonial Waterbirds 6:84-106.
Kricher, J. 2008. Invasion of the Berry Snatchers: the Waxwing Irruption of 2007-2008. Bird Observer 36(2): 78-85.
Lamb, C. R. 1910. Calcarius laponicus at Monomoy, Mass., in April. Auk 27:341.
Lamb, C. R. 1913. Eskimo Curlew (Numenius borealis) in Massachusetts. Auk 30:581.
Lamb, C. R. 1921. Blue Goose (Chen caerulescens) in Massachusetts. Auk 38:109.
Lewis, H. F. 1937. Migrations of the American Brant (Branta bernicla hrota). Auk 54:73-95.
Liske-Clarke, J. 2006. Stemming the decline of shrubland birds in Massachusetts. Bird Observer 34(5): 287-292.
Low, S. H. 1933. Notes on the nesting of Bluebirds. Bird-Banding 4:109-111.
Low, S. H. 1933. Further notes on the nesting of the Tree Swallows. Bird-Banding 4:76-87.
Low, S. H. 1934. Nest distribution and survival ratio of Tree Swallows. Bird-Banding 5:24-30.
Low, S. H. 1934. Bluebird studies on Cape Cod. Bird-Banding 5:39-41.
Low, S. H. 1934. Bird-Banding 5:192.
Low, S. H. 1935. Methods of trapping shore birds. Bird-Banding 6:16-22.
Low, S. H. 1935. Notes on the survival, winter distribution, and migration speed of eastern Mourning Doves. Bird-Banding 6:61-65.
Mackay, G. H. 1890. Somateria dresseri, the American Eider. Auk 7:315-319.
Mackay, G. H. 1891. The habits of the Golden Plover (Charadrius dominicus) in Massachusetts. Auk 8:17-24.
Mackay, G. H. 1891. The Scoters (Oidemia americana, O. deglandi and O. perspicillata) in New England. Auk 8:279-290.
Mackay, G. H. 1892. Habits of the Eskimo Curlew (Numenius borealis) in New England. Auk 9:16-21.
Mackay, G. H. 1892. Habits of the American Herring Gull (Larus argentatus smithsonianus) in New England. Auk 9:221-228.
Mackay, G. H. 1892. The Red Phalarope (Crymophilus Fulicarius) at Nantucket Island, Massachusetts. Auk 9:294-298.
Mackay, G. H. 1892. Habits of the Hudsonian Curlew in Massachusetts. Auk 9:345-352.
Mackay, G. H. 1893. Observations on the Knot (Tringa canutus). Auk 10:25-35.
Mackay, G. H. 1895. The terns of Muskeget Island, Massachusetts. Auk 12:32-48.
Mackay, G. H. 1898. The 1897 migration of the Golden Plover (Charadrius dominicus) and the Eskimo Curlew (Numenius borealis). Auk 15:52-53.
Mason, C. R. 1951. Records of Sabine’s Gull, Xema sabini, in Massachusetts. Auk 68:236.
Mason, C. R. 1953a. Christmas Bird Count – 1952. Bulletin of the Massachusetts Audubon Society 37:57-60.
Mason, C. R. 1953b. Bullock’s Oriole added to Massachusetts fauna. Bulletin of the Massachusetts Audubon Society 37:231-236.
Mason, C. R. 1954. Christmas Counts break records. Bulletin of the Massachusetts Audubon Society 38:66-67.
May, J. B. 1926. The results from banding Barnstable Black-crowned Night Herons. Bulletin of the Northeastern Bird-Banding Association 2(2):25-28.
May, J. B. 1929. Summer Tanagers and other southern visitors in Massachusetts. Auk 46:393-394.
May, J. B. 1929. Recoveries of Black-crowned Night Herons banded in Massachusetts. Bulletin of the Northeastern Bird-Banding Association 5(1):7-16.
May, J. B. 1930. The distribution of the Rough-winged Swallow in New England. Bird-Banding 1:29-33.
McGibbon, C. 2008. First State Record of Broad-billed Hummingbird in Massachusetts. Bird Observer 36(5): 284-286.
McKechnie, F. B. 1909. Dendroica discolor and Dendroica vigorsi in eastern Massachusetts in winter. Auk 26:195.
Merrill, R. 2006. A Summer at Monomoy. Bird Observer 34(1): 34-37.
Miller, G. S. 1890. Cape Cod bird notes. Auk 7:226-229.
Miller, G. S. 1891. Further Cape Cod notes. Auk 8:117-120.
Miller, G. S. 1892. Crymophilus fulicarius in Provincetown Harbor. Auk 9:298-299.
Miller, G. S. 1892. Two Cape Cod records. Auk 9:396-397.
Murphy, R. C. & W. Vogt. 1933. The Dovekie influx of 1932. Auk 50:325-349.
Nichols, J. T. 1904. Black-backed Three-toed Woodpecker and Evening Grosbeak at Wellfleet, Mass. Auk 21:81-82.
Nichols, J. T. 1913. Notes on offshore birds. Auk 30:505-511.
Nikula, B. 1980a. Massachusetts non-resident terns. Bird Observer of Eastern Massachusetts 9:95-101.
Nikula, B. 1980b. Observation of a Little Stint (Calidris minuta) in Massachusetts. Bird Observer of Eastern Massachusetts 8:187-188.
Nikula, B. 1982. First record of Swainson’s Warbler (Limnothlypis swainsonii) in Massachusetts. Bird Observer of Eastern Massachusetts 10:219-220.
Nikula, B. 1988. Birding Chatham, Cape Cod. Bird Observer of Eastern Massachusetts 16:124-132.
Nikula, B. 1992. The great gannet wreck of ’91. Bird Observer of Eastern Massachusetts 20:84-90.
Nikula, B. 1976 (rev. 19?? ,2003, and 2008). A Checklist of the Birds of Cape Cod. Cape Cod Bird Club.
Nikula, B. 1978. Where to Find Birds: Birding in Provincetown. Bird Observer of Eastern Massachusetts 6:40–47.
Nikula, B. 1981. Where to Find Birds: Monomoy. Bird Observer of Eastern Massachusetts 9:96–105.
Nikula, B. and H. Stabins. 1984. Observation of a Long-billed Curlew in Massachusetts. Bird Observer of Eastern Massachusetts 12:273–275.
Nikula, B. 1985. “Rare” Sanderlings visit Massachusetts. Bird Observer of Eastern Massachusetts 13:15–20.
Nikula, B. 1986. The Cape Cod Lake and Pond Waterfowl Census. Bird Observer of Eastern Massachusetts 14:69–74.
Nikula, B. 1986. Sight Record of a Mississippi Kite in Massachusetts. Bird Observer of Eastern Massachusetts 14:208.
Nikula, B. 1986. An Annotated List of the Birds of Pleasant Bay, Massachusetts. Pages 31–38 in Four Towns Committee. Nomination Proposal for the Four Towns Pleasant Bay Area of Critical Environmental Concern Within the Towns of: Brewster, Chatham, Harwich and Orleans, Barnstable County, Massachusetts.
Nikula, B. 1987. Where to Find Birds: Birding in Provincetown. Bird Observer of Eastern Massachusetts 15:4–13.
Nikula, B. 1987. 1986 Cape Cod Lake and Pond Waterfowl Survey. Bird Observer of Eastern Massachusetts 15:102–103.
Nikula, B. 1987. Where to Go: Monomoy. Bird Observer of Eastern Massachusetts 15:112–121.
Nikula, B. 1987. An Avian Census of the Herring River, Wellfleet, Massachusetts. Pages 153–162 in C. T. Roman, principal investigator. An Evaluation of Alternatives for Estuarine Restoration Management: The Herring River Ecosystem (Cape Cod National Seashore). National Park Service Cooperative Research Unit, Rutgers University, New Jersey. Unpublished report.
Nikula, B. 1989. Four and Twenty Blackbirds: The Christmas Bird Count. Cape Naturalist. 18(2):28-35.
Nikula, B. 1993. Sighting of a Black-tailed Godwit in Massachusetts. Bird Observer. 21(5):265-266.
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