The images linked below are of hybrids, possible hybirds, birds exhibiting plumage aberrations, and assorted other oddities.

An aberrant Wilson’s Storm-Petrel – Provincetown, May 2005

An albino White-winged Scoter – Chatham, August 2004


A very pale Semipalmated Plover – Eastham, August 2002

A leucistic Willet – North Monomoy, July 2004

An aberrant Semipalmated Sandpiper – South Beach, July 2006 & 2007

A leucistic sandpiper, possibly a Western Sandpiper – Eastham, August 2002

Apparent White-rumped Sandpiper X Dunlin hybrids – South Beach, June-July, 2008

Another apparent White-rumped Sandper X Dunlin hybrid – South Beach, June 2012.


A dark-mantled, Herring-type gull – Provincetown, November 2002

A possible European Herring Gull (juvenile) – South Monomoy, Chatham, November 2003

A possible Herring X Lesser Black-backed Gull hybrid – South Beach, Chatham, October 2003

A possible Yellow-legged Gull – South Beach, Chatham, September 2006

An apparent Herring X Lesser Black-backed Gull hybrid – South Harwich, February 2008

Two puzzling Lesser Black-backed type gulls – North Monomoy & Stellwagen Bank, July 2008

A puzzling juvenile gull, probably an odd Herring – Provincetown, November 2008

An apparent Herring X Glaucous Gull (aka “Nelson’s Gull”) – Provincetown, November 2008

A possible Herring X Lesser Black-backed Gull hybrid – Truro, January 2009

A known Herring X Lesser Black-backed Gull – Provincetown, December 2009 (banded as a chick in New Hampshire)

A presumed Herring X Lesser Black-backed Gull hybrid – Provincetown, January 2010

Another presumed Herring X Lesser Black-backed Gull – Hyannis, January 2012.

A possible nominate Iceland Gull In Provincetown, October 2008.


Late fall Common Terns on Cape Cod


An albino Razorbill – Eastham, November 2010

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